Our newest protocol, the Sleep Protocol is now available! Find out more here.


The Journal

It seems like almost every day there are new studies which come out in support of Vitamin D as absolutely critical for good health. 

  • 3 min read
In this study, researchers looked at the association between vitamin D supplementation and mortality. Previous studies had shown that vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increased risk of of Infection with Covid-19, however it wasn't known if Vitamin D could be given as a treatment for infection (the focus of this study). 
  • 3 min read

Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a key role in many of the body's metabolic processes. Everyday functions like transmitting nerve impulses, maintaining muscle and heart health, and supporting immune system function simply cannot occur without adequate amounts of Magnesium. This nutrient may also be able to help promote sleep, as well as prevent insomnia. So how exactly does Magnesium affect sleep, and what can you do to increase your intake?

  • 3 min read
“What are you talking about magnesium deficiency? I’ve never heard of it, and my doctor definitely hasn’t ever mentioned it to me. Sure, iron deficiency, calcium deficiency, I’ve heard of those, those are common. But not magnesium deficiency, it can’t be that common.”
  • 5 min read

With all of the focus on viruses and viral infections since early 2019, we wanted to create a supplement (and protocol) that helps to boost the immune system, especially during the long, cold winter months. The Immune Support formula is designed to help support immune function. 

  • 4 min read

Our newest supplement, Neuro Calm, is now available for purchase on our website. To narrow it down to one sentence.... Neuro Calm has been specifically designed to temporarily promote relaxation, support cognitive health and/or brain function, aid in energy metabolism and in tissue formation.

  • 8 min read
One of the most inexpensive ways we can protect ourselves from Covid-19 (and other coronaviruses) is to ensure we have sufficient vitamin D levels. 
  • 3 min read
In an age of health hyper-awareness, society is coming round to the notion of natural interventions to prime our immune system. The past year has brought attention to our vulnerabilities and reminded us of the hidden invaders that can occupy our bodies seemingly undetected.
  • 3 min read
Life evolved in the sea – a wonderful balanced electrolyte solution of sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca++) and magnesium (Mg++) with chlorine (Cl) and sulfate. Although the sea has become saltier (higher concentrations of sodium chloride) than it is thought to have been historically, our bodies still bathe our cells in a very similar solution that quite closely mimics seawater, just with less sodium and chloride.
  • 5 min read
To understand the role that muscles play in chronic pain, we need to take a trip back in time. Although it’s easy to see how our human world has changed immensely in the last few centuries, our biology is not much different since the time that we inhabited caves. With this is mind we are going to consider the biology of the caveman and how the functions of pain related to their life.
  • 6 min read
The National Pain Report published the results of theirWomen in Pain Survey in September, 2014. Over 2500 women participated in the survey, which asked a series of questions related to their chronic pain.
It took two billion years of life on earth for our cells to work out a way to produce enough energy to get beyond being small, solo entities whose main goal was to replicate themselves. Energy is the very essence of life; from acquiring energy-providing molecules to breaking them down and harnessing that energy.
